Dover Port health body fears gangs of meat smugglers looking to bypass new post-Brexit checks
Authority weighs up legal action against government over new checks on imported meat taking place 22 miles inland. / The Port of Dover could become a target for criminals smuggling illegal and diseased meat into the country under new post-Brexit plans that will involve lorries from the continent being checked 22 miles inland, the port’s health authority has warned.
Four years after the UK quit the EU, the first border controls on imports from the continent have been introduced, with more to follow.
Brexit: despatches from the downside – No 6
Your weekly update from the Brexit ‘downside bunker’, chronicling the downsides, and occasional upsides, of Brexit.
Professor Chris Elliott talks through discussions had at Food Integrity Global and highlights improved food fraud detection, Brexit’s impact... / The Brexit elephant in the room was also discussed. While some in government say that it is not a big risk factor in terms of escalating food fraud risks the message was very loud and clear that it is.
Brexit has made it easier for organised crime groups in the United Kingdom to operate and expand their enterprises, says a leading criminologist at Birmingham City University.
The gangs running small boats into the UK have ‘never had it so good’ – and Brexit has played a large part. People smugglers claim Brexit ‘has played into their hands’.
Post-Brexit cooperation between the UK and the EU on law enforcement and criminal justice is sub-optimal, according to the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
Brexit impact on illicit trade of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco has implications for health
A new report from Public Health Wales has detailed how attention is urgently needed to understand the impacts of Brexit on illicit trade in Wales to mitigate potential health harms and deaths linked to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
Organised crime gangs are preparing to exploit the eight freeports that are being opened across England as part of the Government’s ‘levelling up’ strategy, experts have warned.
Steptoe | Brexit One Year On
However, this article seeks to describe, as far as possible, how Brexit has affected the business and regulatory environment across the full range of areas covered by Steptoe and Johnson practices so far, and to identify issues of potential future concern for companies.
The UK may have officially left the European Union in 2020 but Brexit is still making headlines. / And for some community organisations in Northern Ireland, it has left them in funding limbo.
Areas of UK where more people voted 'remain' saw smaller increases in hate crimes following historic Brexit vote
Parts of the UK that were against Brexit experienced less of a spike in hate crimes after the vote compared to leave areas, research from Cardiff University shows.
Despite nearly 40 years of specialist police investigative units into organised crime, London remains a centre for money-laundering.
Covid and crackdowns also blamed as researchers find half of pills sold as MDMA at festivals in England contained none of the drug.
Investigating police in Tenerife are investigating four Brits who are said to have presented fake "padron" certificates, which allow people to stay in Spain after Brexit.
BREXIT has made tackling fraud “more difficult”, the director of legal services at the Crown Prosecution Service said.
Brexit Opportunities Abound – Part 1
As you may have noticed Jacob Rees Mogg Esquire – as no doubt he would style himself – has invited the public to submit suggestions on the theme of ‘Opportunities of Brexit’. I could not resist replying. Could I possibly suggest that you, after reading this, do the same?
Under new system EU countries can now refuse to surrender their own nationals.
Non-binding opinion says UK allowed criminal gangs to flood Europe with cheap Chinese-made clothes.
On trade, finance, migration, food standards and more, the UK suffers fresh ignominy on a daily basis.
“Everyone in our society should have a safe place to live and no one should be punished for experiencing homelessness."
"Today’s mafias are moving among countries and continents, and where they find weakness in international cooperation, they exploit that opportunity.”
UK law enforcement can no longer immediately access real-time data about persons and objects of interest, including wanted and missing persons.
France, Germany and Poland say they will refuse to allow extradition of their nationals.
Ten EU member states have said they will no longer extradite their nationals to the UK following Brexit, the Home Office has said.