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Doctors call for more transparency amid fears of shortages, especially of insulin.
The sector fears shortages: of medicine, of staff, and of answers.
The government’s ‘serious shortage protocols’ are a real danger to the British public’s health – and may be illegal.
A leaked cross-government study warning of the impact of a no-deal Brexit outlines a "worst-case scenario", cabinet minister Michael Gove has said.
People have put a black dot on their Twitter handle to highlight how they say the government is putting their lives ‘at risk’ with Brexit.
A man with diabetes has said he wants the UK to leave the European Union, even at the potential cost of insulin not arriving in the UK.
Demands for prime minister to reveal if dangers listed in ‘no-deal readiness report’ last autumn are still real – and whether they have grown because of pandemic.
Dr Philippa Whitford, MP and eminent breast cancer surgeon, shares her concerns for the future of our NHS following Brexit. Recorded in front of a live audience at Arran High School Theatre on Friday 13th September 2019.
If an agreement is not found, Northern Ireland faces potentially losing access to an estimated 51% of veterinary medicines, including vaccines for zoonotic diseases such as salmonella and leptospirosis, as well as insulin for dogs and cats and flu and tetanus vaccines for horses.