Brexit: despatches from the downside – No 19
This week's Brexit downsides: half a billion in extra costs to import food, the collapse of trade talks with Canada and more.
As obvious as it is to see the decline in the number of clinical trials in the UK, the reasons behind this trend are as complicated to ascertain. Fiona Maini, Principal - Global Compliance and Strategy at Medidata Solutions, thinks the issue is multifaced with Brexit playing a part in this.
Bloc plans to bulk-buy key drugs for all 27 countries, potentially leaving Britain ‘behind in the queue’. / “Europe is securing access to key drugs and vaccines as a single region, with huge influence and buying power. As a result of Brexit the UK is now isolated from this system, so our drug supplies could be at risk in the future,” said Dr Andrew Hill, an expert on the pharmaceutical trade.
Brexit and the red tape explosion
Helmuth Porschen ponders the fate of UKCA and wonders why the government can’t persuade the rest of the world to adopt British standards.
An organisation which represents medicines wholesalers says supplying Northern Ireland remains "challenging, problematic and inefficient".
There are growing post-Brexit differences between which medicines are approved for use in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, research from a health think tank indicates.
As of December 2022, UK companies importing medicines from the EU may need to set up new batch testing facilities. What will this mean for the industry and how did the situation come about?
The Brexit predictions that came true, those that didn’t—and what we didn’t see coming - BMJ
Six years after the referendum we can disentangle the evidence and judge the effects on health and care, says Richard Vize.
Fears extra expense and paperwork caused by Brexit will make Britain unattractive to global drugmakers.
BREXIT is causing “damage across the board” to UK science, including missing out on more than £1 billion in funding, campaigners have warned.
Rishi Sunak accused of wrongly claiming that VAT axe on solar panels only possible ‘thanks to Brexit’
A new EU directive is allowing member states to remove the charge for ‘supply and installation of solar panels’.
Post-Brexit issues for the NHS
There are a number of measures that the UK Government must take in order to address the challenges of leaving the EU's single market.
Britain must work with other countries to prevent friction on medicine rules post-Brexit to avoid being sidelined by the global drug industry, according to a report from the U.K.’s biggest pharmaceutical lobby group.
Trade unions and regulatory experts warn that budget and staff cuts may lead to drug approval delays or the UK regulator simply rubber-stamping EMA decisions.
Relocation to Amsterdam will give better access to European markets ‘regardless of Brexit outcome’.
EU’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE Two major London-based European agencies could stay post-Brexit despite EU claims they must be moved, Government insists - Sun
[BrexitDB NOTE: These agencies have now left the UK.] Wrangle around European Medicines Agency and European Banking Authority after Brussels insists they must leave UK.
Education secretary lauds vaccine rollout saying scientists in UK better than in France, Belgium or US.
And it will cost more here because of the UK pulling out of the European Medicines Agency on 30 December.
A coronavirus vaccine could be ready for approval in a year’s time in an “optimistic scenario”, the European Medicines Agency has said.
Coronavirus: Three quarters of public favour working with EU to get vital protective equipment
More than three quarters of the public think the UK should participate in EU schemes to secure vital protective equipment, as it emerged ministers passed on three opportunities to take part.
Experts warn that European Medicines Agency membership would have had advantages.
The coronavirus should remind us of just why international cooperation is so important in reducing the threat of infectious disease.
As the EU referendum grows ever closer, Lord Darzi, Elias Mossialos and colleagues seek to redress a lack of evidence on the role of the union on our health system.
In the political realm, no one knows how Brexit’s long-running theater of the absurd will end. But for much of the business world, Britain’s departure from the European Union has effectively happened.