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Forcing all UK supermarkets to put “not for EU” labels on meat, dairy and plant products in a move to assuage the concerns of unionists in Northern Ireland will force up prices and undermine the war against inflation, ministers have been told.
Customs experts and leading supermarkets warn produce such as meat, fruit and vegetables could be in short supply in Northern Ireland.
The grocer also promised to avoid America’s hormone-injected beef and to only sell British produce.
Consumer groups and Lib Dem MP Layla Moran call on chains to follow Waitrose's lead ahead of US-UK trade deal.
Supermarket boss says it would be 'wrong' to keep high standards at home and import lower quality food from abroad
Big names KFC, Pret, Lidl, Co-Op, M&S, Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Asda and McDonald's have signed a damning letter warning food supplies could run short - read it in full.
Prices will soar and border delays will halt fresh food imports following the "shock" of a no-deal Brexit, Britain’s major supermarkets have warned.
Items to disappear from supermarket shelves and prices to increase if UK crashes out of EU, group including Lidl, the Co-op, Pret a Manger and KFC say.