Rishi Sunak should admit ‘main factor’ behind problem so he can fix it, says Durham University study.
Organised crime gangs are preparing to exploit the eight freeports that are being opened across England as part of the Government’s ‘levelling up’ strategy, experts have warned.
Sir Julian King, ex-European commissioner for the security union, spoke to the Commons Home Affairs Committee.
In a potentially illegal act, the UK pre-empts losing access to a core EU database used for crime-fighting.
Preparations being made at ‘every port and access point from Europe’, senior officer say.
Brexit risks negative impacts on crime and trade in Northern Ireland when the transition period expires at the end of the year, two different UK parliamentary committees were told on Wednesday.
Police warn of ‘major operational impact’ when UK loses access to EU crime databases in January
Key information systems will be lost even if a security deal is struck before 31 December, National Crime Agency says.
Leave campaigner Arron Banks facing criminal investigation over Brexit referendum funding
The Electoral Commission said it had grounds to believe 'a number of criminal offences may have been committed' during the campaign.
The committee acted after Channel 4 News revealed how Mr Farage’s lavish lifestyle was funded to the tune of £450,000 by Arron Banks’ companies.
Legal bid driven by concerns that process had been halted by ‘political sensitivities’. / A group including three MPs has begun a legal bid to challenge police over delays to the investigation into alleged offences by leave campaigners in the Brexit referendum.
European parliament summons Brexit party leader over failure to declare expenses. / Nigel Farage has been given 24 hours by the European parliament to explain in person his failure to declare lavish expenses funded by Arron Banks, an insurance tycoon under investigation by the UK’s National Crime Agency.
Brexit Party: EU opens investigation into Nigel Farage's lavish gifts from millionaire tycoon
European Parliament quaestor had urged investigation into £450,000 gifts.
Nigel Farage’s funding secrets revealed
Channel 4 News investigation reveals how millionaire Arron Banks spent approximately £450,000 on Nigel Farage to fund lavish lifestyle the year following the EU referendum in summer 2016. / Millionaire insurance tycoon Arron Banks spent close to half a million pounds funding Nigel Farage, who is now the Brexit Party leader.
Nigel Farage was lavishly funded by Arron Banks in the year after the Brexit referendum, Channel 4 News has alleged, with the insurance tycoon providing him with a furnished Chelsea home, a car and driver, and money to promote him in America.
National Crime Agency investigating 'theft of data' from Institute for Statecraft.
"UK enquiries will potentially go to the bottom of the pile and may take longer."
Leave ‘very likely’ won EU referendum due to illegal overspending, says Oxford professor’s evidence to High Court
Analysis finds adverts reached ‘tens of millions of people’ in crucial days after spending limit breached – enough to change the outcome. / It is “very likely” that the UK voted for Brexit because of illegal overspending by the Vote Leave campaign, according to an Oxford professor’s evidence to the High Court.