London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls on the UK government to "urgently build a closer relationship with the EU" after a new report reveals how much the UK economy is losing after leaving the EU.
Former BoE governor suggests Brexiteers have ‘basic misunderstanding of what drives economies
In a scathing attack on Liz Truss and her economic vision, former Bank of England governor Mark Carney accused the former PM of turning Britain into “Argentina on the Channel”. / Carney also suggested that Brexiteers, whom the former Conservative leader claimed to champion during her short tenure as PM, had a “basic misunderstanding of what drives economies”.
The US economist and former Monetary Policy Committee member on how Britain became so poor and where Labour is going wrong.
World-renowned economist Adam Posen reveals some tough truths about Britain’s situation.
UK’s exit from EU helped fuel inflation crisis, says top US economist Larry Summers.
It's a pretty damning verdict from the former secretary of the Treasury, director of the National Economic Council and president of Harvard University.
Sunak talks about ‘fairy tale’ economics – let’s not forget he backed Brexit, the biggest ‘fairy tale’ of all
The new Prime Minister was decisively on the side of those who claimed that the country would have a better future outside the EU.
Recalling Newsnight's coverage, Maitlis said: "It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it. But by the time we went on air we simply had one of each; we presented this unequal effort to our audience as balance. It wasn't."
5.2% GDP shortfall ‘mostly’ down to Britain’s exit from EU, according to top think tank.
Trade friction has ‘clear and robust’ impact on supermarket prices, say economists.
The Public Accounts Committee warned of "trade-offs" across "agriculture, the environment and human rights”.
Scathing report by Public Accounts Committee criticises government’s approach.
‘BBC policy on Brexit is not impartial’
Why is the BBC giving so much time to hardline Brexiteers, asks journalist Raymond Snoddy.
The cost of Brexit: September 2021
In September 2021, UK goods trade was 11.2 per cent, or £8.5 billion, lower than it would have been if the UK had stayed in the EU’s single market and customs union.
Johnson's much-trumpeted FTAs “barely scratch the surface of the UK’s challenge to make up the GDP lost by leaving the EU”.
All trade deals combined worth less than 50p per person a year, analysis of government figures shows.
Next boss, thinktanks and unions criticise Boris Johnson, saying ‘shortages cannot be blustered away’
It’s five years since Britain voted to leave the EU – so what number should really have been on the side of the Vote Leave bus? Ben Chu examines the real impact of Brexit on the UK’s economy.
It’s almost 100 days since Britain completed its split from the EU -- almost five years after the referendum vote –- and a clearer picture of the consequences of the decision to leave is starting to emerge.
Difficulties cannot be dismissed as no more than teething problems, say experts.
The Government has been accused of refusing to publish more than 50 “secret” studies in the impact of Brexit – for fear they could cause embarrassment to ministers.
THE SNP have hit out at the UK Government’s “unacceptable” refusal to publish an impact analysis on the Brexit deal, despite having done so for other trade agreements.
Exports to EU to plunge by more than one-third because of Boris Johnson’s Brexit trade deal, study warns
Income per-head forecast to fall by 6 per cent – just 2 per cent less than under a no-deal departure.