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The Conservatives have broken their promise to match EU funding at £100 million a year, providing just £43 million.
Your weekly update from the Brexit ‘downside bunker’, chronicling the downsides, and occasional upsides, of Brexit.
A Cornwall councillor has said the money the county council receives from the government to replace EU grants lost due to Brexit will run out in a month’s time.
Wales and Scotland say they are missing out on hundreds of millions in funding from not being part of the EU.
First minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, and Scotland's deputy first minister, Shona Robinson, will be among the Celtic leaders in attendance at the first meeting of its kind.
Move over Cornwall, more Brits than ever are making the move to West Cork.
A Cornish oysterman has launched an all or nothing fundraising campaign to get his canning business to a flying start and turn the tide on the post Brexit export slump.
Even though fishing is a tiny part of the UK economy, it was a key issue in the Brexit campaign with promises to "take back control" of British waters. / At the end of 2020, Boris Johnson announced his new Brexit trade agreement with the EU, promising that "[we will] be able to catch and eat quite prodigious quantities of extra fish".
Almost four years after Johnson promised the fishing merchant the French would be desperate to buy his fish, the business has seen sales plummet 30% and export costs rise by as much as £3,000 a week.
Water companies in the UK have been accused of failing to monitor the amount of sewage pumped into the sea at popular beaches across the country.
As small businesses crumble, shelves get emptier and the care-worker shortage intensifies, life outside the EU is having a dire effect on many of us. Why aren’t politicians talking about it?
Cornwall is set to get less than half the amount of money it was expected to get from the EU before Brexit.
A MUCH loved family man and keen rugby player took his own life after his business suffered financially due to Covid and Brexit.
Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement has failed to offer Yorkshire the same guarantee previously provided to Cornwall on the Government's flagship post-Brexit regional funding programme.
Cornish towns are concerned that post-Brexit funding will mean far less money for redevelopment projects. Projects such as the redevelopment of a 120-year-old pier in Falmouth harbour look likely to to be abandoned as the details of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund slowly emerge.
‘We’re pretty much in the same position as we were before. Maybe we’re a little worse off’
Flower growers fear end of the UK’s £100m industry as Covid and border restrictions lead to lack of seasonal workers.
South Yorkshire to lose £900m and Tees Valley and Durham £750m, Michael Gove told – despite pledge to ‘match’ EU funds
Cornish peer Lord Tyler has highlighted the issue after it was revealed that the UK was unable to keep the humble pasty protected in a new trade agreement with Norway.
Fears have been raised that the Cornish pasty could lose its special protected status after the Government was unable to have it secured in one of the latest trade agreements signed since Brexit.
Cornwall Council had been allowed to bid for £3m from the Community Renewal Fund but has been given just over £1m and there are fears that the Shared Prosperity Fund will not have enough to replace Cornwall's EU funding.
Despite promises from chancellor Rishi Sunak to match the money it received from the European Union, Cornwall will receive just £1 million compared to the £100 million it used to get.
It has been a gloomy week on the sunlit uplands of sovereign Britain, as failure to award enough licences to the French mean our government is now loathed by fishermen on both sides of the channel.
Many Brits will be forced to go without a Christmas turkey this year because of Brexit labour shortages, MPs were told this afternoon.