Sir Roger Gale said one firm has had to trash £320,000 worth of produce "because there are no pickers and no drivers".
Boris Johnson rejects plea for emergency work visas after Tory MP warns ‘crops are rotting in the fields’ [2 mins]
Producers having to throw away vast amounts of produce after EU labour dries up.
THE economic impact of Brexit and food checks at the Irish Sea border will be examined by a new commission made up of business leaders, MPs and economists.
A new cross-party group comprising of MPs, business leaders and economic exports is being established to provide independent scrutiny of the UK’s trade deals with Europe and the rest of the world.
Veteran backbencher says the prime minister's position would be "untenable".
PM’s position untenable if he cannot get ‘acceptable’ deal, says Sir Roger Gale.
Exit is chance to restore trust between No 10 and MPs, says one senior backbencher.
Internal Market Bill: ‘Rule of law is under attack,’ lawyers say after MPs approve Brexit plans
‘We have a choice about what sort of country we want to be,’ Law Society says.
Former prime ministers urge MPs to reject legislation, saying it endangers Irish peace process.
Government ignored legal advice over proposed withdrawal agreement changes.