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Ask your MP to read the report and back our calls to #LiftTheDeadline.
The political decision to leave the European Union has had the unintended consequence that the UK may not be able to access funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s highly regarded principal funding programme for research and innovation, and the involvement of UK-based researchers in European research consortia has already been damaged by this.
A comprehensive and impartial assessment of the implications of Brexit for economic activity in the UK and the rest of the world.
The introduction of a new regulatory and customs border has made it more difficult and more expensive to trade with the EU. This impacts UK firms who import and export from and to that market.
(See Chapter 1, p4 for FDI figures for various countries, including the UK, in 2017 and 2018.)
Eighth Report of Session 2017–19
The argument that Britain needs to leave the European Union to reclaim its sovereignty is misguided says new paper, Britain, the EU and the Sovereignty Myth.
This paper looks at the UK Government’s progress in preparing to leave the EU without a deal. It assesses the status of Brexit legislation and the practical preparations required for day one outside the EU.
Brexit has a range of serious implications for Anguilla as the EU is, and has been over recent years, the most significant funder of Anguilla’s capital development ..
It is highly uncertain what the UK’s future would look like outside the European Union (EU), which makes ‘Brexit’ a leap into the unknown. This report reviews the advantages and drawbacks of the most likely options.
10th Report of Session 2016-17 - published 14 December 2016 - HL Paper 82
Considerable uncertainty remains regarding the precise detail of the exit and it could be 2 years or more before these issues are fully resolved. / Preliminary estimates suggest that the number of UK air passengers could be 3-5% lower by 2020. / A big issue is with aviation regulation.
The 2016 referendum, which resulted in a narrow win for those campaigning to leave the European Union, has posed perhaps the most complex set of questions ever faced by a peacetime government.
A report commissioned by Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
As the EU referendum grows ever closer, Lord Darzi, Elias Mossialos and colleagues seek to redress a lack of evidence on the role of the union on our health system.
Membership of the European Union has contributed to the economic prosperity of the United Kingdom. Uncertainty about the outcome of the referendum has already started to weaken growth in the United Kingdom. A UK exit (Brexit) would be a major negative shock to the UK economy, with economic fallout in the rest of the OECD, particularly other European countries.
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the government will not be able to support all affected industries. Against a backdrop of steeply deteriorating public finances, the government will be forced into impossible choices about which businesses and industries to save. Without clear principles, the fight over subsidies will be swamped by politics.