A farmer says the lack of border checks on meat coming into the UK is deeply worrying, as it could be putting the country at risk of diseases like foot and mouth.
Expert perfectly demonstrates Brexiteer hypocrisy over trade talks in just 90 seconds [2 mins]
An expert has perfectly demonstrated the hypocrisy surrounding Brexiteer outrage over trade talks between the UK and the EU in just 90 seconds.
"opening our ports, shelves & fridges to food which would be illegal to produce here would not only be morally bankrupt..." - Minette Batters, NFU
"To sign up to a trade deal which results in opening our ports, shelves & fridges to food which would be illegal to produce here would not only be morally bankrupt, it would be the work of the insane."
Drains blocked with guts and workers with amputated fingers revealed in US chemical-washed chicken factory
A Channel 4 dispatches documentary found employees contaminating packaged chicken with raw meat.