“You bring Brexiters on, you never challenge them. You let them talk utter rubbish about Brexit. Year after year after year.”
This week, Rishi Sunak talked of building 'an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit'. Here's 5 mins on Brexit's impact on the economy so far. [5 mins]
This week, Rishi Sunak talked of building 'an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit'. Here's 5 mins on Brexit's impact on the economy so far.
Brexit crippled the UK economy – Liz Truss just made it worse | Economics | New Statesman [5 mins]
Economist Duncan Weldon and the New Statesman’s polling expert explore how Brexit and austerity have damaged the UK economy and set the stage for Liz Truss’s “mismanagement.”
"The really big self-harm inflicted by the UK on itself was Brexit," which has made the current crisis much worse. - economist Peter Doyle
Former Bank of England and IMF economist Peter Doyle on SkyNews: "The really big self-harm inflicted by the UK on itself was Brexit," which has made the current crisis much worse. For example: / - Trade frictions when we need to boost exports / - A weaker pound worsening inflation
BVTV: Brexit fantasy ends
The idea of Brexit as a force for reordering British society expired with Boris Johnson’s resignation speech, Peter Thal Larsen says.
Post Brexit inflation is making UK "sick man of Europe" | Economics | The New Statesman [22 mins]
A "perfect storm" of Brexit, covid and poor macroeconomic fiscal policies by the Conservatives has weakened Britain's economy and diminished the UK's standing in Europe, says economist Duncan Weldon.