Showing: ◈ Michael Dougan×
We asked EU law specialist Professor Michael Dougan, about the frequent claim that remaining in the EU would mean getting involved in an "EU army".
"Due entirely to its own choices, for which it should accept direct responsibility, the UK needs a transitional deal far more than the EU does." - quoted from Concluding remarks
The UK after Brexit is the result of a cooperation between a group of leading academics from top institutions in the UK and beyond.
“You tell great big fat lies, you sell magic bean fantasies. And then when reality stubbornly proves you wrong, you double down even harder."
The editor's introduction, by Prof. Michael Dougan, to the book 'The UK After Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges'.
Prof Dougan, whose video criticising the campaign’s “dishonesty on an industrial scale” in the weeks before the vote clocked up millions of views, looks back at his predictions and suggests that those who want to see the UK leave the EU are now facing “the accountability of reality”. He says Brexiteers are in a “state of almost total denial” as “project fear becomes project reality”.
Every time Johnson Government waffles on about NI's integral place in UK Internal Market and guarantee of unfettered trade with Great Britain, this Commission summary of what businesses need to prepare for under Tories' "Great Brexit Deal" acts as a very effective lie detector.
Professor Dougan has repeated his criticism, asserting that the Leave campaign was “one of the most dishonest campaigns this country has ever seen”, potentially resulting in “untold damage to the quality of our national democracy”.
Lots of requests for a step-by-step explanation of Johnson's plans to breach Protocol on Irish border. / No problem. And by the end, you'll understand why this man is totally unfit to hold public office.
“What worries me is the casual political vandalism. They really don’t seem to care," Tony Blair's former chief negotiator on Northern Ireland has said.
One of the UK’s leading EU law experts criticizes the referendum debate’s 'dishonesty on an industrial scale', as he considers the claims and counter claims from each side.
EU law expert, Professor Michael Dougan dissects Boris Johnson’s proposed deal to take the UK out of the EU if he is successful in the forthcoming General Election.
“Do you not find it a little embarrassing that you're renegotiating it across such a wide area so soon after it was signed by the government and approved by this Parliament?” - "Not really".
UK proposals for implementing Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland deserve detailed scrutiny. No doubt the Commission will soon oblige! Below = some first thoughts from me (moving from the general to the specific) pending more critical reading & cross-checking ...
Brexit Research by EU Law @ Liverpool - This briefing paper examines those provisions of the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill (“UKIM” / “the Bill”) specifically relating to internal UK trade; together with their potential impacts upon the devolution settlements in Scotland and Wales.
Professor Michael Dougan from the EU Law @ Liverpool team explains what the single market is, and why leaving it would leaving will present enormous challenges to the UK economy.
Professor Michael Dougan, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, University of Liverpool, outlines the challenges faced by the UK and then the options available. He outlines some of the techniques employed by the Leave campaign and gives his prognosis for the state of Britain in years to come.
EU law expert, Professor Michael Dougan gives his assessment of the impact of Brexit on migrant rights, following many audience requests.
Michael Dougan is a professor of European Law at Liverpool University. It is part of his job to know about the EU. In a half hour Zoom talk he gives us his assessment, and it makes for interesting listening. / Politicians and journalists will inform us according to their agenda. Academics guard their reputation and tell us how it really is.