Showing: ◈ Liberal Democrats×
An analysis by the party suggests the European Criminal Records Information System is used 250 times a day by UK police and courts. / Theresa May’s “overly dogmatic” approach to the Brexit negotiations risks police losing access to vital shared criminal databases with the EU used an estimated 250 times a day by UK authorities, the Liberal Democrats have warned.
Labour would fall behind the Liberal Democrats in the polls if Jeremy Corbyn helps the Tories to secure Brexit, according to a huge new poll.
Lib Dems' Sir Vince Cable asks members of new Independent Group for support.
Pro-EU parties, including the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and the Independent Group, will not form pacts or alliances at the forthcoming EU elections, hoping to use the poll as a “soft referendum” to show a surge in support for remain.
The Liberal Democrats have launched their European election campaign with an "unambiguous" pledge to stop Brexit.
‘As with any attack on democracy, it is important that we stand together,’ says Labour candidate. / Properties displaying Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green Party posters in Sussex have been vandalised, in attacks thought to be linked to Brexit.
The Conservatives and Labour have faced a backlash at the ballot box over the Brexit deadlock, with smaller parties and independents winning seats.
The European parliament’s outspoken Brexit chief is coming to Britain next week to knock on doors in the European elections on behalf of the Liberal Democrats.
The two biggest parties hemorrhaged support in areas they once considered strongholds.
Voters have punished the two main parties over Brexit as the Tories and Labour both suffered early losses in the English local council elections, with the Liberal Democrats making big gains.
Liberal Democrats see surge as some predictions forecast gain of up to 500 seats
The anti-Brexit party is up by more than 250 seats in early counting while both Tories and Labour struggle.
Big swings from Labour to pro-EU Liberal Democrats and Greens prove need to guarantee new referendum, Labour leader told - but he insists 'a deal has to be done'.
For the first time in living memory, the Mendip ward has elected a councillor who is not a Tory
Pro-EU parties are in talks over forming a Remain alliance to support an independent candidate in the upcoming Peterborough by-election. / Voters will go to the polls in the Cambridgeshire city in June to replace former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who lost her seat after being jailed for perverting the course of justice.
No, it isn't the usual sort of language we would use in a political document, but let's be honest: these are not usual times. / ‘Bollocks to Brexit’. That’s the slogan on the front of the Lib Dem’s manifesto, which is officially launched this evening in east London.
"Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Brexit and stay in the European Union. We passionately believe that Britain is stronger as part of the European Union and we have led the fight to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal"
'Our manifesto sets out a clear and positive vision for the UK within the EU, and we can achieve it by stopping Brexit'. / Vince Cable's Liberal Democrats are to launch their European elections campaign manifesto today under the blunt slogan: "Bollocks to Brexit".
Is Prime Minister Theresa May mulling a second referendum on Brexit? Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable certainly seems to think so.
He joined Vince Cable in London, saying the party offers an "alternative to nationalism". Verhofstadt is the leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE), the Europe-wide body of Lib Dem parties, and said he was there not as Brexit negotiator but "as the leader of the liberals and democrats for Europe".
'If things continue as they are the remain vote will split in Scotland', he says. / One of Change UK's lead European election candidates has quit to back the Liberal Democrats over concerns the new party could split the Remain vote in the upcoming contest.
Activists report people registered as Labour members who say they will vote Green. One of them was a Labour councillor.
Tories are ‘myopically focused on forcing through biggest act of economic self-harm ever undertaken by a democratic government’, he says. / Tory grandee Michael Heseltine has said he will not be supporting the Conservatives in the European election, and will instead vote Liberal Democrat.
Polls makes Vince Cable’s party the favourite for remainers and puts it in first place in London. / Senior Labour figures were engaged in a desperate battle to shore up the party’s support on Saturday night, amid warnings that its stance on Brexit was helping to “detoxify the Lib Dems”.