Showing: ◈ CUK/TIG×
Struggling party – which endured a painful split just nine days ago – now has its third name in just four months.
By re-distributing just 2 per cent of voters from the weakest to the strongest Remain party in each region, the pro-European side could snatch victory from the jaws of supposedly inevitable ‘defeat’.
Navel-gazing post-Remainiacs self-congratulation cut with road trip excerpts all amount to another week in the podcast that isn't about cake. We also reflect on the futility of TIG-related hope and the futility of unicorn-related Brussels tourism.
Pro-EU parties, including the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and the Independent Group, will not form pacts or alliances at the forthcoming EU elections, hoping to use the poll as a “soft referendum” to show a surge in support for remain.
What do defections to the Independent Group for Theresa May's Brexit negotiations? Will Middle Eastern leaders help their European counterparts find peace in Sharm El Sheikh at this weekend's summit?
Anna Soubry has expressed frustration and sadness at the split in Change UK which cost the fledging party six of its 11 MPs this week, saying Chuka Umunna, the most prominent of the quitters, had “made a very serious mistake”.
Anna Soubry says she “can't go home this weekend” because of Brexit death threats, revealing police are “frightened” for her safety.
Meaningful votes, Article 50 Extension, EU Elections, The Frauderendum, TIG, The ERG, Dictator May, Useless Corbyn, yet ANOTHER fine for Vote Leave... seriously, what the hell is going on?!!?!?! / Mike Galsworthy (Scientists for EU), Paul Somerville (OFOC) and I have been working furiously over the last few months to get #ProjectHope up and running.