Showing: ◈ Iain Duncan Smith×
Ian Taylor launches attack on Boris Johnson's "misleading" promise to "Get Brexit Done".
Does the World Trade Organization (WTO) have a magic legal provision, one that Britain can use to get out of the “no-deal” Brexit jail?
Iain Duncan Smith has been branded a “dunce” by a prominent historian, after he compared Brexit to the Reformation in a column extolling the benefits of leaving the EU.
The move has been interpreted as a sign that Mr Johnson is toughening his stance on Brexit.
Supporters of Brexit are “completely wrong” if they think recourse to an obscure trade rule will stop tariffs springing up overnight if Britain leaves the European Union without a deal, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said on Friday.
Pascal Lamy less than subtle with his hand gestures and eye-roll on live TV.
The course of Brexit was set in the hours and days after the 2016 referendum. / It was at 6:22 a.m. on June 24, 2016 — 59 minutes before the official tally was unveiled — that the European Council sent its first “lines to take” to the national governments that make up the EU.
Iain Duncan Smith is accused of "repeating tired, old nonsense" following an attack on the Confederation of British Industry. / Theresa May has witnessed another attack by a Tory Brexiteer on business after former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith linked the UK's biggest business lobby group to Nazi appeasement.
The Brexit brigade is still going on about bendy bananas and the return of imperial measures. But it is a strategy born of ignorance or – worse – panic.