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Six years of policy confusion and ineptitude has brought a calamitous loss of standing.
Old "Project Fear" scare stories from the 2016 Remain campaign about masses of customs paperwork and increased costs for traders, as well as restrictions on immigration for vital sectors, are becoming reality.
As the clock ticks down to Zero Hour, will the Government’s performative anti-Brussels bolshiness come back to bite it? ... Project Fear comes true, but still can’t cut through. How to shut up people who shout “LISBON TREATY!” as if it’s some magic word to dispel all anti-Brexit argument. And what are we going to spend all that Get Ready For Brexit ad money on?
Lord Frost and others are reinventing a tactic used by the beaten German generals in 1918.
Iain Overton examines the lack of consequences for the Brexiters that promised us sunny uplands.
Across the world, there is incomprehension at what we have done to ourselves.
After years of denying the downsides of Britain’s split from the European Union, the Brexit taboo is starting to lift in the governing Conservative Party and the country’s right-wing press.
After years of denying the downsides of Britain’s split from the European Union, the Brexit taboo is starting to lift in the governing Conservative Party and the country’s right-wing press.
"Project Fear is Project Fact". How do Brexit and Truss's economics affect the North East?
A future leader will need to confront Brexiters in the same way Blair faced down the hard left over clause 4.
Iain Duncan Smith is accused of "repeating tired, old nonsense" following an attack on the Confederation of British Industry. / Theresa May has witnessed another attack by a Tory Brexiteer on business after former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith linked the UK's biggest business lobby group to Nazi appeasement.
The most important Brexit event of the week came and went with relatively little fanfare, yet it marks a significant moment.
'I keep hearing my fellow unionists complaining that their anger over the existence of the Northern Ireland Protocol is not being recognised or taken seriously.'
"As far as trade is concerned, things are panning out in the manner once stupidly dismissed as “Project Fear”. And we will be poorer as a result."
Ellie Newis reviews two of the flagship free trade agreements that were supposed to reignite the UK economy.