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An analysis by the party suggests the European Criminal Records Information System is used 250 times a day by UK police and courts. / Theresa May’s “overly dogmatic” approach to the Brexit negotiations risks police losing access to vital shared criminal databases with the EU used an estimated 250 times a day by UK authorities, the Liberal Democrats have warned.
Biometrics commissioner "deeply concerned" as Lib Dem Layla Moran tells HuffPost UK leaving pacts "will make Britain less safe".
Senior officer says powers less effective if UK forces are denied access to criminal databases.
Police tell MPs they will lose 'at your fingertips' access to crucial EU databases.
Former security commissioner warns of ‘immediate impact’ on tackling terrorism and crime.
Former terror law reviewer David Anderson warns of serious impact on fight against cross-border crime.
‘Efficiency and effectiveness’ at risk as terror threat raised and crime becomes increasingly transnational.
Key information systems will be lost even if a security deal is struck before 31 December, National Crime Agency says.
Preparations being made at ‘every port and access point from Europe’, senior officer say.
Even limited agreement reached will be ripped up if UK pulls out of the European Convention on Human Rights.