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As sewage pours into the sea along England’s south coast, eagle-eyed commentators are flashing back to environment minister Zac Goldsmith that environmental regulations wouldn’t be weakened after Brexit.
Filth spewing into a picturesque stretch of U.K. coastline is far from the image of post-Brexit Britain that Boris Johnson wants to portray.
Findings cast doubt on Boris Johnson commitment to climate action ahead of key summit, Commission claims.
Waste water plants have been told they may be allowed to discharge effluent that has not been properly treated due to chemical shortages caused by Brexit and the pandemic.
Supply chain disruption leading to fears of water treatment chemical shortage.
Across the world, there is incomprehension at what we have done to ourselves.
Zac Goldsmith’s claims that Brexit could help the environment have been utterly demolished this week.
The so-called “green Brexit” promised by the government has not been delivered, a coalition of environment groups says.
An independent environment watchdog has been established to make sure Scotland is meeting the highest standards on everything from pollution to wildlife conservation.
The supply chain crisis has sparked a relaxation of rules on dumping waste water.
Instead of protecting the natural world, the proposed Office for Environmental Protection ‘could undermine the rule of law’, and lead to worse damage than under EU, lawyers say
'Global Britain' could increase emissions by the equivalent of 44,000 transatlantic flights, research found.
Greener UK claims analysis shows rhetoric on environment not being matched by action.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has issued a plea to readers of a tabloid newspaper to write to him if they can identify any possible benefits of Brexit.
Brussels official says UK has ‘non-regression obligation’ to protect waters as part of trade deal.
arning that UK in danger of sliding back to 1970s reputation as ‘dirty man of Europe’.
Wastewater plants in England offered waiver because of impact of lorry driver crisis.
The negotiations which will set our relationship with our closest neighbours for the next generation are being rushed in a reckless game of chicken.
Our sister publication, Sussex Bylines, has been publishing a series of eye-opening articles – “Toxic Shock“ on the dirty practices of Southern Water. The same appalling abuses and breaches of regulation are occurring right across the country. Readers have been horrified to learn that it is cheaper for these companies to pollute and pay the fines than to address the causes of the problem.
Government’s plan to ‘streamline’ environmental regulations could put dormice, porpoises and bats under threat.
Fish farming companies are being allowed to breach environmental limits and pollute lochs because of export problems caused by Brexit.
Campaigners say revoking of post-Brexit protections amounts to legislative vandalism. / Hundreds of Britain’s environmental laws covering water quality, sewage pollution, clean air, habitat protections and the use of pesticides are lined up for removal from UK law under a government bill.
Did you know that many of our environmental laws - from how we manage our fisheries, to standards on marine pollution, to how we protect many species and habitats - come from the European Union?
"You have to blame the government for this whole sorry mess. The industry is out of control and it's our rivers and beaches that are picking up the tab for that profiteering."