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Posters exposing politicians’ lies and hypocrisy over leaving the EU are appearing across the UK. The friends behind the Led By Donkeys campaign explain why they had to take action.
Nigel Farage has finally admitted that “Brexit has failed”. Let's get his words up on giant billboards across the country.
Armed with ladders, roller brushes and a treasure trove of damning statements by our leaders, we slapped up their biggest lies onto posters around the country. But this guerrilla operation has its limitations.
A giant video screen is being driven round Michael Gove's constituency, reminding people that he was against prorogation for a no-deal Brexit just two months ago.
They put tweets that Brexiters would rather forget on giant billboards, chased Farage around the country with reminders of his lies, and annoyed loony-right glove puppet Guido Fawkes so much he outed them for spite. / Why we need to stop calling it ‘prorogation’ and call it an executive coup instead. / Nina destroys the argument that we have to leave the EU to trade freely in a hot minute.
Pro-remain group’s website encourages public to redesign government campaign.
Anti-Brexit campaigners Led By Donkeys have projected a pro-European video on to the White Cliffs of Dover to mark the UK's departure from the EU.
Posters repeat Gove claim UK will hold all the cards and Rees-Mogg call for second vote.
Activists raise more than £270,000 for campaign. / Political billboards have popped up across the UK, from Glasgow to Dover, thanks to anti-Brexit group Led By Donkeys.
The four men behind the nationwide Brexit billboard phenomenon finally reveal their identities – in the pub where it all began.
Second World War hero Sid Daw has an emotional and heartfelt message as the UK leaves the EU.
The mysterious anti-Brexit guerrilla campaign plastering the UK’s billboards with awkward quotes from politicians is “going legitimate” after smashing its crowdfunding target.
Anti-Brexit campaigners have ploughed a protest message in giant letters reading “Britain now wants to remain” into a field in rural southern England, as Britain’s exit from the European Union hangs on a knife edge.
It had been billed as a mass protest, taking in the length of England and descending on Westminster, but the so-called “Brexit betrayal march” is only to be done in its entirety by 50 people – and their figurehead, Nigel Farage, won’t be there for most of it.
As night fell in the British capital on Tuesday, a massive projection depicting British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as a criminal lit up the Houses of Parliament.
Led By Donkeys wants to stop former Ukip leader being re-elected to Brussels in May.
Campaign group Led By Donkeys ploughed 40 metre high letters into a field in Wiltshire.
Gove has refused to confirm the Government would abide by legislation blocking a no-deal Brexit.
An SOS signal to the EU has been projected onto the White Cliffs of Dover by anti-Brexit protesters. / Activist group Led By Donkeys have beamed a huge SOS message onto the White Cliffs of Dover calling for a Brexit extension and a confirmation vote.
The group has offered up its own manifesto for the party. / The guerrilla billboard campaign that trolled pro-Brexit politicians with their own words is back, and this time they’re squarely taking aim at Nigel Farage.
"I often wonder whether, in the privacy of their own homes, they replay the claims and promises they made and compare it with the outcomes delivered."
The slogan will be plastered on billboards up and down the country if the funds can be raised - and it looks like they will be!