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Based on popular request, we have updated our page on organizations helping the Ukrainian army that accept donations from abroad — now the info is as of January 2022.
What can you do to support Ukraine & Ukrainians? Find out here.
Families fleeing the conflict have left their homes with only the items they were able to carry. Help us provide food, water, shelter, healthcare and protection.
From writing to your MP, to sending donations, here are some of the ways in which you can help the people of Ukraine.
BrexitDB.com has temporarily stopped posting Brexit news during the Putin regime's illegal invasion of Ukraine. We urge you to donate to support Ukraine's armed forces. Слава Україні! Героям слава! Glory to Ukraine!
While Ukraine has so far been successful at pushing back Russian forces, Russia’s advance into Ukraine continues on multiple fronts as heavy fighting takes place in different cities and regions. / There are several options to help the Ukrainian military.
According to Article 20 of the Treaty of Lisbon, EU citizenship is additional and separate to national citizenship. Presently, there are no provisions for removing this citizenship and its associated rights from individuals, regardless of whether their nation leaves the EU.