Showing: ◈ opinion×◈ Vote Leave×
The Chancellor and Prime Minister need a plan to counter figures showing lower growth after the hit to EU trade.
It is a big step to take legal action against the police, but I have joined a group of politicians in doing just that. The issue is something which strikes at the heart of our democracy: politicians breaking the law to get the results they want – in this case, the UK leaving the European Union.
'Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without...the NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests no. Would we have won by spending our time talking about trade and the single market? No way'
The Electoral Commission, charged by parliament with ensuring the 2016 EU referendum was fair, unlawfully tilted the playing field in favour of leave. That’s the striking consequence of a high court decision from this morning.
The supreme irony is that, despite all those Vote Leave promises, Brexit is making it harder to control UK borders.
Illegal fund activity linked to Brexit being ignored in belief ‘the people have spoken’.