Showing: ◈ opinion×◈ Irish reunification×
Having, by his own admission, completely failed to understand the horrors that the EU referendum would unleash on the politics of the United Kingdom, it is partly grimly ironic, but mainly just grim, that self-described Brexit hardman Steve Baker is now bringing to bear his unique brand of absolutely no wisdom whatsoever to the political sensitivities of Northern Ireland.
Whisper it, but a second referendum is the best way out of this mess, even for the DUP.
Dogmatic obsession means that Johnson won’t lift a finger to help Northern Ireland.
Brexit is a disaster for the United Kingdom. Given the risk that it will now lose Scotland and Northern Ireland to secession, the country seems to have accepted the idea of Great Britain turning back into “Little England.” Britain is that rare lion that chooses to become as small as a mouse.
The Irish News view: NIO minister Steve Baker is wrong to say basis of unity vote should change
Opinion: a new post-Brexit debate about Irish unity could take in a radically different vision of a unified and reconciled island.