Showing: ◈ opinion×◈ Irish border×
When the most anti-EU newspapers are pointing to the policy’s inevitable failures, it’s time our government admitted the truth.
'I keep hearing my fellow unionists complaining that their anger over the existence of the Northern Ireland Protocol is not being recognised or taken seriously.'
Trade has plummeted and red tape has blocked our borders. Is that what ‘protecting our sovereignty’ meant?
British government has broken its own solemn legal and political commitments.
Economic and political disenfranchisement are key drivers in the current swell of political violence in Northern Ireland, writes Séamas O'Reilly.
On the 21st anniversary of the Omagh bombing, the prime minister's brinkmanship over a no-deal Brexit manages to be both morally indefensible and utterly stupid.
The increasingly shrill nature of the rhetoric around Brexit is a worrying development that has the potential to do as much damage to Irish-British relations in the longer term as the practical consequences of the process itself.
England’s casual indifference to the border question has betrayed the post-Troubles generation.
Whatever happens with Brexit, it is vital we protect what we’ve achieved in Northern Ireland together. / Peter Hain and Paul Murphy have both served as secretary of state for Northern Ireland