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Saturday 20 February was the 50th day since Boris Johnson’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) came into effect. Anyone expecting it to settle all questions, or even most of the details, of how we will do business with the EU from now on will be mightily disappointed.
Leaving the EU will damage health in this country where it was suffering the most before the pandemic, and where covid-19 hit it hardest, says Martha McCarey.
“Australian Brexit” used to be an upbeat euphemism for a “no deal” Brexit outcome. Now, Australia promises a far more profound insight into the true nature of Brexit.
New Tory MPs have promised to transform the region, but its greatest threat will come in days, when Britain leaves the EU.
The retained EU law bill is an outrageously undemocratic attempt to transfer law-making powers from parliament to Whitehall.
The hot rhetoric of ‘taking back control’ of our borders is being replaced by cold reality.