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An expected snap election in Northern Ireland would become a mini-poll on post-Brexit trade arrangements.
From the same people who brought you the 'watertight' plan to rescue Owen Paterson, their latest proposal will reignite the Brexit debate.
From the outside, nothing much has changed yet. From the inside, however, the UK has undergone a radical and at times ugly transformation. The June 2016 referendum has helped set off a chain of events that has impacted many aspects of life in the country.
The European Parliamentary elections are due to take place 23-26 May 2019. All EU citizens living in the UK will have the opportunity to vote in an MEP to represent their region for the first time since 2014.
In Nigel Farage’s old stamping-ground, voters turn to a party they once scorned.
Activists report people registered as Labour members who say they will vote Green. One of them was a Labour councillor.
The next PM will have promised the electorate something that she or he is quite unable to deliver.
Overseas voters abandoned the Conservatives in droves after Brexit but this shift in political allegiance could ultimately deter the government from keeping its promise to grant them votes for life, warns a new study by the University of Sussex.
Remainers are about to fumble the European parliamentary elections and it is not because of a lack of formal cooperation or party alliances. It is because they have landed on entirely the wrong goals.