Showing: ◈ article×◈ Australia trade deal×
Another Brexit advertising campaign. They've replaced sporting events as signs of the changing seasons. Instead of Wimbledon or the Olympics, we get Michael Gove talking gibberish on television and further millions poured into preparedness exercises for an outcome with no tangible benefits.
Otto English dissects the disadvantages that a free trade agreement between the two countries would bring to the UK.
One of Australia’s supposed key demands for a free trade deal with the UK – their agreeing to buy our hormone-treated beef – is “almost impossible” for the UK to agree to, according to a new report by an anti-Brexit think tank.
As expected, the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, and his Australian counterpart, Scott Morrison, have now agreed “in principle” to a free trade agreement. The fine details are still not out in the open, but the political and economic significance of the deal is becoming clearer.
Australia has wanted the new agreement but, unlike Britain, has been in no screaming hurry for it. And, unlike Boris Johnson, the Australian Prime Minister faces no domestic political imperative to seal the deal.
The UK’s trade agreement with Australia led to British farmers and associations voicing concerns about unfair competition and a lowering of food standards.
Five years after the Brexit vote, the costs of that decision are becoming clearer.
The UK left the EU at the end of 2020, and according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, Brexit has already led to a significant slump in trade between the EU and the UK... / Brexit supporters endorsed the idea of CANZUK – an alliance between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The London bureau chief for Germany’s public broadcaster reflects on Britain’s government.
Continuing the letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg, reminding him – he seems to need reminding – of the many new opportunities created by Brexit.
Boris Johnson’s Trumpian remarks on the “deep state” will almost certainly have a destructive effect on British democracy.
There's little talk of reversing the decision, but evidence of Brexit-induced harm is piling up.