Showing: ◈ video×◈ Vote Leave×
What kind of trade arrangements could the UK negotiate with the European Union after leaving? Newsnight's James O'Brien was joined by former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation Pascal Lamy, and Vote Leave's Andrea Leadsom to discuss.
"Blame us. Blame Westminster. Do not blame Brussels for our own country's mistakes and do not be angry at us for telling you the truth. Be angry at the chancers who sold you a lie."
There is some office space now. There is a structure. But so far it involves more of a to-do list than even a plan about a plan.
A Brexit campaigner has told Channel 4 News that Vote Leave cheated in the 2016 referendum by over-spending.
Sanni claims that a donation of £625,000 was made by Vote Leave to an independent referendum campaign organisation called BeLeave.
The Brexit deadline is hurtling towards us, and citizens across the UK still aren't allowed to know who bankrolls the politicians deciding the country's future.
The EU referendum was won based on a corrupt campaign, but the courts can't void the result because the referendum only advisory, according to the barrister who took the government to court.
MPs warn Cummings' behaviour highlights weaknesses in parliament’s ability to force witnesses to attend hearings - and to punish those who stay away.
Carole Cadwalladr digs into one of the most perplexing events in recent times: the UK's super-close 2016 vote to leave the European Union. Tracking the result to a barrage of misleading Facebook ads targeted at vulnerable Brexit swing voters -- and linking the same players and tactics to the 2016 US presidential election -- Cadwalladr calls out the "gods of Silicon Valley" ...
New details are emerging about how the shadowy data firm Cambridge Analytica worked to manipulate voters across the globe, from the 2016 election in the United States to the Brexit campaign in Britain and elections in over 60 other countries, including Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil.
British Brexit strategist Daniel Hannan is this week’s guest on Conflict Zone, discussing how honest his Vote Leave campaign really was. Did it misinform and mislead voters as some claim? And what does a post-Brexit UK look like?
Boris Johnson has claimed that the £350 million figure on the side of the Vote Leave bus during the Brexit campaign was actually "a slight underestimate".