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Comparing the stories encouraging people to vote to leave the EU to those we've seen in recent weeks paints rather a bleak picture.
Factors such as increased transportation costs and the UK leaving the EU internal energy market means businesses will likely see an increase in energy costs as a result of Brexit, a new report by services switching company Bionic has revealed.
European states will, within days, announce measures to apply pressure on London to abide by Brexit agreements sealed with the bloc when Britain left the European Union, French European Affairs Minister Clement Beaune told Europe 1 radio on Tuesday.
Brexit is making the UK's transition to net-zero "more complex", a new report has warned, stating that Covid-19 has further delayed efforts to set strong decarbonisation policies for an independent UK.
A previously confidential government study detailing 142 areas of life in Northern Ireland that will be impacted by Brexit has been published, revealing risks to everything from cooperation on congenital heart disease and cross-border child protection to rules preventing the looting of national treasures.
Report sets out the myriad ways ongoing discussions over Brexit climate and energy policy are affecting the UK's chances of meeting climate goals.
Brexit secretary confirms only 43 of 161 agreements seen as essential have been rolled over.
Office for Budget Responsibility contradicts government line. / Mr Johnson [Institute for Fiscal Studies] also said the OBR's estimated reduction in trade, productivity, and living standards from Brexit was "bigger than the expected long-run effect of the pandemic".
Oxfordshire reactor has been described as ‘shining example of scientific cooperation between EU members’.
Brussels firms up position and bloc’s unity before tough talks on future relationship with UK.
The UK has fallen in a ranking of the world's most attractive renewable energy markets for investors, with apprehensions around Brexit cited as a major reason for a year-on-year drop in investment.
This technical note was transmitted to theEuropean Parliament and Council on 30 April 2020. Published on the UKTF website on Thursday 30 April 2020
In her annual state of the union address, European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has underlined the EU's unshakeable solidarity with Ukraine as she unveiled the bloc's proposals to deal with the impending energy crisis.
THE pound has fallen to its weakest level against the US dollar since 1985 amid fears the UK is heading for a lengthy recession.
Levy could raise €140bn, and energy ministers also set targets to cut electricity use.
A comprehensive guide to the massive impact likely if the UK crashes out of the EU.
The European Commission has approved, under EU state aid rules, a scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Lithuania. The measure, open to all types of renewable generation, will contribute to the EU environmental objectives without unduly distorting competition.
Brussels also plans 'Just Transition Mechanism' to regenerate coal mining and oil regions after transition.
Britain’s exit from the EU has resulted in reduced trading on the electricity interconnectors between Great Britain (GB) and Ireland and increased the frequency of extreme prices.
North Wales' tidal energy industry has received a £12.6m European Union boost.
‘Allure of fusion makes it a good distraction from the failures of current government’s science and climate policy’
Economist Duncan Weldon and the New Statesman’s polling expert explore how Brexit and austerity have damaged the UK economy and set the stage for Liz Truss’s “mismanagement.”
After string of nuclear power failures, leaving EU could compromise nation’s ability to share clean electricity with European nations.
Boris Johnson has refused to cut VAT on fuel bills amid a huge rise in the cost of energy, despite promising ahead of the EU referendum that Brexit would allow him to do so.