Showing: ◈ news×◈ Holyhead×
Plans for Holyhead port show "just how shambolic" UK ministers have been on Brexit, Wales' first minister has said.
Hauliers have claimed there will be "mayhem" at Holyhead port when the Brexit transition period ends.
A north Wales police chief claims he has been gagged from warning people about a possible threat to security and law and order caused by Brexit.
Shipping line CLdN says it has ‘contingencies’ for UK ‘landbridge’ delays in a hard Brexit.
Sites being acquired as part of efforts to avoid long lorry queues at ports such as Dover.
DfT has bought site that will be used for customs clearance and holding pen for lorries, Rachel Maclean confirms.
Businesses will discover details of customs regime after Brexit on Monday.
A sea border would mean checks at major ports in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, such as Holyhead, Liverpool, Belfast and Larne.
Ministers accused of 'fiddling the figures' to disguise chaos from HGVs being prevented from reaching the border in the first place.