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NIESR says UK facing worse permanent damage than other rich nations due to ‘poor Covid response’ .
Dominic Raab says he wants to turn page on Brexit saga and treat EU with respect it deserves.
PM urged to recognise pursuit of no-deal Brexit would be regarded as serious error by US.
Brazil’s handling of forest fires set to top agenda of G7 countries at meeting in Biarritz this weekend
Boris Johnson is about to feel the pinch of Brexit Britain’s new global status: squeezed on one side by Europeans in no mood to yield, and on the other by a United States driving a hard bargain for its economic support.
The UK economy contracted 0.2% between April and June, its worst performance since 2012, the Office for National Statistics said.
CBI warns uncertainty is crippling UK economy with country at risk of lagging behind G7 competitors.
Dozens of scientists write letter to May and Juncker setting out their concerns.
British factories slashed jobs in February and braced for Brexit by stockpiling goods at the fastest pace seen in any Group of Seven country since records started in the early 1990s, a survey showed on Friday.