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Boris Johnson agreed in the final hours of the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations that there would be customs declarations on goods exiting Northern Ireland to Britain, despite the fact that just three weeks later he told businesses in the North there would be "no forms, no checks, no barriers of any kind…," according to a detailed new account of the protocol negotiations.
Inside the deal struck at the Wirral, England, on October 10th, 2019, by Leo Varadkar and Boris Johnson.
‘Time is short’ to avert clash over chilled meat exports to Northern Ireland, warns Boris Johnson’s Brexit minister.
SDLP’s Brexit spokesman says Frost’s attempts to unpick NI protocol risking investment.
Memoirs of negotiations show how Brussels lost trust in Downing Street team.
‘It is arguably your political incompetence that got you here,’ Newsnight presenter suggests.
EU and UK negotiators reach a new Brexit agreement that would avoid a hard border.
Nicos Anastasiades says Cyprus will stand up for peace in Ireland and the backstop.
Michel Barnier says 'we're not really in a position where we're able to find an agreement'.
Under the proposals being considered, the EU would allow the unilateral revocation of the backstop if both Sinn Fein and the DUP agreed.
Leaked papers obtained by the Guardian show extent of fundamental objections Brussels has raised.
UK proposals "do not match even remotely" Northern Irish backstop plan, says steering group.
Irish prime minister says he will study the plans further and consult with other EU leaders.
Prime minister’s ‘take it or leave it’ proposals described as unworkable and illegal.
'It doesn’t look like the basis of an agreement, that’s for sure'.
The UK has proposed the creation of a string of customs posts along both sides of the Irish border as part of its effort to replace the #brexit backstop, RTÉ News understands.
Downing Street beats a hasty retreat after leak shows backsliding on Good Friday Agreement pledges. / There is near-unanimous political outrage in Ireland over a leaked British government plan to throw up a “buffer zone” with customs posts on the Irish border. Parties across the political spectrum branded it “out of the question”.
Report cites leaked proposals for clearance areas 5-10 miles from border and real-time tracking of goods.
Leo Varadkar says government must submit plans in writing before EU summit in October.
Barnier pours scorn on PM’s Irish border proposal as it would not avoid customs and VAT checks post-Brexit.
The Minister of State for European Affairs has said the UK's proposals for dealing with the Irish backstop do not go far enough.
The European Commission said the UK suggestions 'fall short of satisfying all the objectives of the backstop'
"I voted to leave but not knowing the whole story. And now if I was to vote again, I'd vote to remain, personally, from an agricultural point of view."
Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay says UK should be given ‘until December 2020’ to come up with plan for Irish border.