The famed Le Gavroche in Mayfair became the latest victim of spiralling costs and labour shortages.
Le Gavroche was founded by Albert Roux and Michel Roux Snr in 1967.
Le Gavroche is a two Michelin-starred restaurant where Gordon Ramsay and Marco Pierre White earned their stripes. / “Brexit has put a huge spanner in the works in terms of supplies, staffing and costs.”
‘A whole generation of British talent can no longer go to Europe and pick up a job’
“Brexit has caused us enormous problems with recruitment,” the TV presenter bemoaned after facing a lack of EU staff for her own hotel.
There is no such thing as lunch for Pied a Terre and Le Gavroche as Brexit bites.
In another sign of the post-Covid recruitment crisis, one of London’s oldest Michelin-starred restaurants has closed its lunch service until further notice. Fitzrovia’s Pied à Terre says Brexit and Covid have impacted recruitment so badly it is no longer able to open for the whole day.
British pubs facing ‘acute’ staff shortages
Restaurants are also having to reduce capacity because they do not have the staff to open.
Chef-patron Michel Roux Jr. told customers the restaurant would be open for dinner service only from mid-June and said a combination of Brexit and the pandemic is to blame.