Showing: ◈ opinion×◈ take back control×
The prime minister’s snappy, inane slogan is the prelude to inevitable lies, betrayal and duplicity.
Boris Johnson’s government is waging a war of words not against the EU but the British people.
Chlorinated chicken is just the start. The government intends to rip up food standards, public services and public protections.
The supreme irony is that, despite all those Vote Leave promises, Brexit is making it harder to control UK borders.
Under cover of the pandemic, his inner circle is sidelining elected MPs and pushing through laws with no scrutiny
There can be few things more heartbreaking for a farmer or fisherman than to see their produce rotting in the fields, a depot or a container for no good reason.
On trade, finance, migration, food standards and more, the UK suffers fresh ignominy on a daily basis.
Boris Johnson chronically confuses culture and economics of affair called Brexit.
An island nation must trade with its nearest mainland, whatever our new Brexit opportunities minister claims.
‘Sovereignty’ and ‘taking back control’ seem a lot less attractive when you’re stuck at an airport or struggling with red tape.
Goodbye, food standards. Hello, corporate lobbyists. Why are we doing this, for no real economic benefit?
The Retained EU Law Bill could see politicians, rather than the people ‘take back control’.
Governments must acknowledge the fundamental reality that migrant workers don’t take jobs and benefits, but fill in essential labour needs