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The commercial departments of Brexit-supporting newspapers know the damage being caused to the UK economy, and newspaper advertising revenues, by Brexit. Their editorial colleagues continue to support it anyway.
The prime minister has imperilled peace in Northern Ireland, and every day the economic fallout worsens.
Almost every nation at some point believes it’s special and on a mission. They’re all wrong, and the sooner we get over this nonsense, the better.
Should the aim be limiting damage or designing a bold future? / Japanese negotiators remain skeptical about the U.K.’s ability to handle multiple FTA negotiations simultaneously / What is evident, however, is that no country wants to conclude a definitive trade deal with the U.K. without knowing the final shape of the EU-U.K. partnership.
New Tory MPs have promised to transform the region, but its greatest threat will come in days, when Britain leaves the EU.
The foreign secretary flew at our expense to lie to young students in Japan, in order to appeal to old Tories at home.
‘Global Britain’ now apparently means making silly gestures and pretending to be more powerful than we are, at enormous cost to our economic well-being.
... the most hard-core Brexiters cannot articulate a deal that they prefer and has the slightest prospect of winning EU approval. Supporters of Brexit made incredible promises that had no basis in reality. / This matters greatly to Japan. Britain is the gateway to Europe for many Japanese companies. / Failure to reach a deal with the EU, for whatever reason, would be a disaster for the U.K.