Showing: ◈ report×◈ parliament×
A programme of research and commentary on the principles of democracy in the UK constitution, parliament's influence over Brexit, and the implications of these developments for parliamentary reform.
In what follows, a group of leading social scientists explore these themes, explaining what has happened in the past, the situation the UK finds itself in now, and the issues that might confront us going forward. The collection is intended as a guide to the big questions confronting the country in the years to come.
Expert coalition urges ministers to abandon ‘behind closed doors’ trade policy and include public health and green voices on its trade commission.
When MPs return to Parliament after the summer recess there will be less than two months until 31 October – the date the UK is set to leave the EU. / MPs looking to make their voices heard will have far fewer opportunities to do so this time around than they had in the run-up to the end of March this year, when the former prime minister was trying to pass her withdrawal agreement.