A report or paper on Brexit impacts and options.
newest items
Going Back: What Britain should do to join the European Union - European Policy Centre [pdf]
UK-EU Divergence Tracker Q4 2023
New report on small boat crossings launched by Professor Thom Brooks
Health and social care after Brexit
Non-tariff barriers and consumer prices: evidence from Brexit
Brexit and the Healthcare Industry Intelligence Report 2023: Assess the Risks that the UK's Healthcare Sector is Continuing to Face
UK-EU Energy and Climate Cooperation: Why heightened engagement is imperative for Net Zero
There is no anti-Brexit bias in the Civil Service
Independent Review of the UK’s Research, Development and Innovation Organisational Landscape - Final Report and Recommendations [PDF]
The Brussels Effect and Artificial Intelligence
Sea Change on Border Control: A Strategy for Reducing Small Boat Crossings in the English Channel
New analysis finds post-Brexit immigration system has reduced labour supply and UK workforce has fallen by 330,000 or 1%
The impact of the post-Brexit migration system on the UK labour market
Early impacts of the post-Brexit immigration system on the UK labour market
The costs of Brexit make severe challenges even harder for the NHS and social care
One year on — Trade in goods between Great Britain and the European Union - HOUSE OF LORDS, European Affairs Committee [PDF]
ESMA publishes its assessment of the Brexit relocation processes
How has Brexit changed EU-UK trade flows?
UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker
UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker: second edition
UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker: third edition
UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker: fourth edition
Brexit, Parliament and the Constitution
Brexit has damaged Britain’s competitiveness, and will make us poorer in the decade ahead
EU citizens in the UK after Brexit - MIGZEN [pdf]
British citizens in the EU after Brexit - MIGZEN [pdf]
The Growth Effects of EU Membership for the UK: Review of the evidence - CAGE Research Centre
Getting Brexit Undone - Federal Trust Report | July 2022
APPG report collates damning industry verdict on Brexit
UK-EU Regulatory Divergence Tracker - March 2022
Post-Brexit movement of animals: NFU looks at impact and implications
Impact of Brexit on Retail - Thematic Research [£]
EU Exit: UK Border post transition - House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts
The Brexit deal and UK fisheries—has reality matched the rhetoric?
Manufacturing after Brexit - UKICE
Initial impact of Brexit on Ireland-UK trade flows
Nuffield Trust: Slow decisions and vague trade slogans leave NHS uncertain of post-Brexit future
The impact of Brexit on UK services
EU-UK relations: There is no steady state
The impact of a new customs and regulatory border with the EU for UK companies trading goods
The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on the UK
The bilateral trade effects of announcement shocks: Brexit as a natural field experiment
Understanding the economic impact of Brexit
EU Withdrawal: Key Legislation Changes and Implications for Northern Ireland-based Arts Organisations
Japanese companies in the UK are shrinking – is Brexit to blame?
Policy analysis indicates health-sensitive trade and subsidy reforms are needed in the UK to avoid adverse dietary health impacts post-Brexit
Brexit Implications for UK Decarbonisation Objectives
The European sugar market and the impact of Brexit
The cost of Brexit: March 2021
Loss of access to EU policing data post-Brexit concerning, Lords Committee finds
Trade in goods significantly harder under Brexit deal
UK Meat Industry: Brexit Impact Report
Government must act to reduce barriers to UK-EU services trade
What is the extra mileage in the reintroduction of ‘free zones’ in the UK? [pdf]
Brexit and beyond: UK Sanctions Policy
Northern Ireland and the UK’s Exit from the EU - What do people think?
Scotland’s Vision for Trade - GOV.SCOT [pdf]
When the clapping stops: EU Care Workers after Brexit
Sick pay and sickness benefit schemes in the European Union
Brexit and Beyond - UK in a Changing Europe [pdf]
An economic analysis of UK architecture exports and the impact of Brexit
Food standards weakened as government takes lopsided approach to trade, finds new report
Preparing Brexit: How ready is the UK? - Institute for Government
The UK border: preparedness for the end of the transition period - National Audit Office
United Kingdom Internal Market Bill - HOUSE OF LORDS, Select Committee on the Constitution, 17th Report of Session 2019–21
UK in a Changing Europe - What Would No Deal Mean?
Trade and regulation after Brexit - Institute for Government
United Kingdom Internal Market Bill: Implications for Devolution - Prof. Michael Dougan, University of Liverpool
The EU Blueprint: Pathway for Scotland’s Accession to the European Union under Independence
Research suggests bots generated social media stories during EU Referendum - Swansea University
Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament - Russia (aka 'Russia Report')
Unfettered Access: Customs Arrangements in Northern Ireland after Brexit - PARLIAMENT.UK
European Union Committee Brexit: road, rail and maritime transport - PARLIAMENT.UK
Getting ready for changes - Communication on readiness at the end of the transition period between the European Union and the United Kingdom (European Commission)
Fisheries and Brexit - report [pdf]
Journal of Social Policy - Brexit special issue, Oct '17
Will the NHS be affected by leaving or remaining in the EU?
Brexit Beyond Tariffs: The role of non-tariff measures and the impact on developing countries
Leaving the European Union - North East Brexit Group 2018
Experiences and Impacts of the EU Settlement Scheme - report, PDF
Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the future relationship: "Level playing field" [PDF]
Bailout for business in a no-deal Brexit - Institute for Government [report]
Services Priorities for a Future U.S.-UK Trade Agreement [report, PDF] - Coalition of Services Industries [US]
Brexit: the implications for health and social care - The King's Fund
‘No deal’ and WTO rules - A briefing for non-specialists [pdf]
The economic impact of Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals [pdf]
The cost of Brexit to June 2019 - Centre for European Reform
Brexit and medicine shortages in the UK - The Lancet
A health service on the brink: the dangers of a no deal Brexit
Faux Research in the Service of Ideological Deceit during the 2016 EU Referendum Campaign: The Legal Surreality of Leave’s “Sovereignty” Statistics - Michael Dougan
OFFICIAL SENSITIVE - Operation Yellowhammer [redacted text, pdf]
No deal Brexit: issues, impact, implications
Assessing the health effects of a “no deal” Brexit
Rules of origin in an EU-UK FTAA ‘hidden hard Brexit’ for food and drink exporters? [pdf]
No deal and decimation of UK farming - report
Voting on Brexit: Parliament’s role before 31 October - Institute for Government [pdf]
Preparing for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 30 March 2019: Implementing the Commission’s Contingency Action Plan - European Commission
Non-Tariff Measures in Mercosur: Deepening Regional Integration and Looking Beyond
Most Favoured Nation clauses in EU trade agreements: one more hurdle for UK negotiators
Brexit Shift 2.0 (Dec, 2018) - Best for Britain
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