Showing: ◈ podcast×◈ EU trade deal×
EUROPE’S PARLIAMENT has overwhelmingly voted to extend a stopgap trade agreement. But the rancour behind the vote, and the deal’s thin measures, say much about future relations.
The Expert Factor takes a deep dive into how Brexit is working out – and how it might work out in the months and years ahead.
Intra-Christmas Emergency Edition. Having cancelled Christmas, Johnson then ruined what was left of it by crowing about his Deal. But what’s in it? How should Remainers feel about it? Where did Britain cave? Have British fish been sold down the river? Why is nobody talking about services? And exactly how much of that tasty, tasty control has Brexit Britain really taken back?
Our recent #IsolationInsight event looked at the state of the Brexit negotiations, considering where they are, what’s happening and where the talks might go, especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Almost three years after the United Kingdom's formal departure from the European Union, voters are turning sour on the 2016 decision to leave. A recent poll showed that 57% of voters view the departure from the EU as a mistake compared to the 52% who voted for the original Brexit referendum. So what changed?
As Europe Editor Tony Connelly, London Correspondent Seán Whelan and Deputy Foreign Editor Colm Ó Mongáin try to cut through the noise on the Brexit talks stand-off, some 'working from home ambience' makes itself felt. The team looks ahead to what's on the table for face-to-face EU-UK talks next week.
They came, they saw, they took the train home again. No progress in the first face-to-face EU-UK talks since the Covid crisis. Bridge-building will be required. Bridge maintenance - specifically landbridge maintenance- will be required where the route for Irish freight through the UK is concerned.
Join experts from the BRC for a look at how things are progressing in Ireland/Northern Ireland with implementing the protocol, and how things are faring in the UK and Brussels following Brexit and the application of the new Trade agreement with the EU. We also cover our take on the new head of the WTO and more.