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People have built up lives and businesses with an open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As the UK edges closer to a no deal Brexit cross border communities around Carlingford Lough explain their worries and fears of a hard border returning ahead of the UK leaving Europe.
A few days back, Tim Martin appeared on Question time. A 1-min clip of his performance has gone viral on Twitter. So error-packed was that one minute, that we should take the time to dissect it to bits...
Europe has long struggled with overfishing. The EU has set itself the target of fishing within scientifically advised limits by 2020. Now that the UK is set to leave the EU, their fishing regulations are less certain.
Some 45,000 dairy cows could be culled in Northern Ireland, in the event of a no-deal Brexit if new higher tariffs are applied to British milk, senior industry figures have warned.
EU chief negotiator responds to PM’s claim that UK will now be free from Brussels regulations.
Michel Barnier also accused Boris Johnson’s government of rowing back on commitments made in writing by Britain at the point before exit.
'There is no reason to extend parts of the UK Fisheries Bill to Jersey. The inclusion of a Permissive Extent Clause is unwanted and completely unnecessary. Jersey remains in full control of its fisheries legislation and territorial waters.'
Pressure mounting for breakthrough ahead of EU leaders’ video conference.
But En Marche's Alexandre Holroyd says the EU is regaining sovereignty over access to its markets.
These sticking points include fishing rights, rules on state subsidies for business and arrangements for policing any deal.
Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Ed Miliband said "it will be disastrous for fisheries to have no deal" and clashed with Marr over the future of the UK's fishing fleet if it remained tied to the single market to get a deal.
The agreement may have averted the economic chaos of a no deal Brexit. But commentators warn that Britain may have opened a Pandora's box of troubles - not least, Scottish dissatisfaction. There are already calls for a second independence referendum to be held in Scotland in the coming year. And this is not the only unknown. Post Brexit, the UK will be in completely uncharted territory.
"We're stuffed" - Brixham fish merchant Ian Perkes says he's unable to export his fish to France now the new post-Brexit rules and regulation have come into force.
Welcome to the Modern world of BREXIT and the mess it brings , unbelievable that we find ourselves in this position, we need governments to cover our claims this week, we have lost thousands of pounds by doing nothing wrong.
British fishermen have accused Boris Johnson of dishonesty and betrayal over his Brexit fishing deal.
Vote Leave promised to “cut red tape” for the fishing industries. Now, one Oyster farmer tells @mikegalsworthy he can no longer export to Spain because of extra bureaucracy caused by Brexit.
A thriving fishing industry in Scotland has quite suddenly stopped functioning, and the catalyst is unarguably Brexit.
Despite the prime minister announcing compensation, British coastal communities have lost faith in the government.