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The Home Office is refusing to reveal how it will use data collected from EU citizens applying to remain in the UK after Brexit.
The revised version of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill has had its second reading in Parliament as the government presses on with post-Brexit changes, but critics remain sceptical that the EU will be convinced to maintain the UK's data adequacy agreement.
Turns out the UK government, under current prime minister Rishi Sunak, is not replacing the GDPR, as Michelle Donelan, his secretary of state for science, innovation and technology, implied last October.
‘Current restrictions on European data to stop lightly regulated transfers to the USA, would disappear’
The UK's Information Commissioner's Office is questioning the UK government about the collection of personal data on its Gov.uk platform. / The data would feed into Brexit preparations, it added.
Over the years there have been a number of stories about how EU laws impact our lives in the UK.
'What really got my alarm bells ringing is this sentence under the privacy policy heading: "We may also share your information with other public and private sector organisations in the UK and overseas."'