tag: privacy ×32


Leaked documents show the prime minister's chief adviser emailed senior officials instructing them: "We must get this stuff finalised ASAP".
The investigation found that the firm violated both the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the provincial Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).
While the UK has now left the EU, Cronofy is about to re-join. The UK government's plans to weaken data privacy laws is the final straw.
Proposed rewriting of data protection rules said to put vital cooperation in doubt.
UK mass surveillance laws have been ruled illegal under EU rules. / A ruling by the EU's top court Tuesday morning dealt a serious blow to the prospect of digital information being able to flow freely across the Channel after Brexit.
MEPs have the power to approve, amend or reject nearly all EU legislation. / So what have they achieved in this five-year term?
Google is planning to move its British users’ accounts out of the control of European Union privacy regulators, placing them under U.S. jurisdiction instead, sources said.
EU nationals’ passports lost and ID cards sent to wrong addresses in ‘concerning’ data breaches, report finds
If the UK cannot meet European Union standards, it will become a global data pariah.
Meta Platforms Inc. will begin moving its UK users away from the company’s Irish subsidiary and onto US agreements in a move the social-media giant flagged post-Brexit.
Brian Toohey, of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group, spearheads PhRMA and recently told of the US drugs industry's predatory intentions.
Recently, the government launched a wide-ranging consultation on proposed changes to the UK’s data landscape, with Brussels’ warnings that it will sever a data-sharing agreement with the UK if the proposed reforms are found to pose a threat to EU citizens’ privacy.
London has been working on several laws and initiatives with potentially profound implications for its data protection regime.
The UK is using its post-Brexit role in global digital trade and data governance to promote economic growth and deregulation through free trade agreements and domestic data protection reforms.
A CROSS-party group of MPs has condemned the Government for refusing to spell out the privacy risks in the proposed UK-Japan trade agreement.
Brexit prompts tech firm to move data and user accounts of British users from EU to US.
The Home Office is refusing to reveal how it will use data collected from EU citizens applying to remain in the UK after Brexit.
The revised version of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill has had its second reading in Parliament as the government presses on with post-Brexit changes, but critics remain sceptical that the EU will be convinced to maintain the UK's data adequacy agreement.
Turns out the UK government, under current prime minister Rishi Sunak, is not replacing the GDPR, as Michelle Donelan, his secretary of state for science, innovation and technology, implied last October.
The UK's Information Commissioner's Office is questioning the UK government about the collection of personal data on its Gov.uk platform. / The data would feed into Brexit preparations, it added.
'What really got my alarm bells ringing is this sentence under the privacy policy heading: "We may also share your information with other public and private sector organisations in the UK and overseas."'


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