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It’s not easy to wipe the trademark grin off Richard Branson’s face, but one way is to ask the British billionaire about the challenges facing his home country.
Another Brexit advertising campaign. They've replaced sporting events as signs of the changing seasons. Instead of Wimbledon or the Olympics, we get Michael Gove talking gibberish on television and further millions poured into preparedness exercises for an outcome with no tangible benefits.
The political choice of Brexit has cost UK businesses as much as the unforeseeable Covid pandemic.
The pound has settled above its recent lows vs. both the USD and the EUR, but it remains in a clearly weakened positioned. EUR/GBP is still seen at 0.85 by year-end while UK politics concerning the issues of Brexit and sleaze may impact the performance of the pound, economists at Rabobank report.
The independent Office for Budget Responsibility has calculated that the scarring effect of covid lockdowns on the UK economy is only half of what it has cost the UK to leave the European Union.
THE UK will be the only major economy to plunge into recession the year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned – with the finger pointed at the “economic self-harm of Brexit” on the three year anniversary of Britain leaving the EU.
We need the word “rejoin“ to have the same weight and significance as the word “Brexit“.
Anthony Robinson presents a panoramic view of the current travails defining a post-Brexit nation.
A year after Britain left the European Union, you could be forgiven for thinking the current economic gloom has nothing to do with Brexit, and everything to do with Covid.
But Brexit minister now claims hard Brexit was ‘essential’.
Brexit has cost the UK economy billions of pounds in lost trade and tax revenues, according to research shared with ITV News by the Centre for European Reform. / It estimates the economy is 5% smaller than it would have been if the UK had stayed in the EU.
The evidence increasingly shows that our decision to leave the European Union has lifted the price of imported goods, flattened business investment and damaged trade.
The 4% hit to economic output envisaged by the UK’s fiscal watchdog could cost £84.5bn, Labour and Commons library research suggests.
Brexit could cost the UK economy up to 30 times as much as the country hopes to gain back from securing a new trade deal with US President Donald Trump, official figures suggest.
Economist Duncan Weldon and the New Statesman’s polling expert explore how Brexit and austerity have damaged the UK economy and set the stage for Liz Truss’s “mismanagement.”
UK seeing ‘biggest squeeze on living standards’ on record, says head of fiscal watchdog.
The people of Scotland must be given a choice about their future given the damage inflicted by Brexit, Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson has said. / Marking two years since the end of the transition period to leave the European Union after 47 years of membership, Mr Robertson highlighted the negative impacts Brexit continues to have on Scotland’s economy.
Boris Johnson's Brexit deal will leave the UK £70bn worse off than if it had remained in the EU, a study by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has found.
Difficulties cannot be dismissed as no more than teething problems, say experts.
Slump in business investment since vote to leave EU has cost each household £1,000 in lost productivity
In reality, Brexit has hobbled the UK economy, which remains the only member of the G7 — the group of advanced economies that also includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States — with an economy smaller than it was before the pandemic.
Economists at Natixis are trying to examine the effects on the UK economy of the June 2016 referendum that triggered Brexit. They look at the different important variables and seek to determine what the overall effect of Brexit has been on the United Kingdom.
The OBR forecast that Brexit would cost the UK economy 4% of GDP now looks ridiculously optimistic as the damage mounts.
Wonder what happened to 'let's fund our NHS instead?' / New research has found Brexit has cost the UK government £40 billion a year in lost tax revenue.