Showing: ◈ take back control×
The Retained EU Law Bill could see politicians, rather than the people ‘take back control’.
Since Brexit happened, those who campaigned for it have shown little attachment to and only the faintest memory of the benefits promised. The one exception is ‘Reclaiming our sovereignty’.
‘Sovereignty’ and ‘taking back control’ seem a lot less attractive when you’re stuck at an airport or struggling with red tape.
“Politicians obscure exclusionary ideologies and policies behind inclusionary rhetoric that highlights the ‘value’ of migrant ‘contributions’," a doctoral researcher said.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier says Vote Leave promise that exit from EU would allow UK to ‘take back control’ will come to nothing.
On trade, finance, migration, food standards and more, the UK suffers fresh ignominy on a daily basis.
Boris Johnson chronically confuses culture and economics of affair called Brexit.
‘It is undemocratic to shut off parliament,’ European politicians say. ‘We know that democracy works and we need resist threats to it by any means’.
Vote Leave campaign chief – the brains behind the notorious ‘£350m-a-week for the NHS’ claim – to be taken into No 10.
A Welsh Conservative has told the Senedd that the new UK subsidy control regime is taking so long to navigate that it’s having a detrimental impact on a business in his constituency.
Anyone ordering goods from the EU in 2021 has likely come in for a nasty shock to the wallet.
Britain exited the European Union because it wanted to reclaim its sovereignty. Learning from Norway’s EU experience, Britain must be cognisant of the limits on its autonomy, even as a non-member, write Johanne Døhlie Saltnes, Merethe Dotterud Leiren, Arild Aurvåg Farsund, Jarle Trondal, John Erik Fossum and Christopher Lord.
Five years after the Brexit vote, the costs of that decision are becoming clearer.
Under the government's Brexit plans, thousands of laws and regulations are to be scrapped or rewritten by ministers with no proper scrutiny.
The former prime minister’s hollow catchphrase captured a fundamental truth—just not the one she thought it did.
As Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to depart Downing Street, tossed from office by his own party, his legacy — the opening lines of his eventual obituary — will call him the man who “got Brexit done.” / So how is that going? What can be said about the post-Brexit Britain that Johnson is leaving behind?
When the bell tolls at eleven o’clock tonight, ringing out Britain’s membership of the EU, an entire phase of British history will come to a close. For nearly half a century – from 1973 to 2020 – perhaps the single most important fact about British history was its membership of the European Union (or ‘Community’, until 1993).
Thierry Breton, who is also single market commissioner, believes downsides of leaving bloc are exposed by pandemic
‘No coincidence’ that both deals are up for renewal at the same time, says EU source.
While the picture’s hardly pretty and certainly not what advocates of Brexit envisioned, none of it surprises economists. As a former Bank of England official observed: “You run a trade war against yourself, bad things happen.”
The Brexit trade deal hailed as a £148 million boost to the UK fishing fleet over the next five years will instead punish the industry to the tune of more than £300m, a new report says.
Brexit will never be over.
PM vowed to ‘take back control’ – but dithering has handed advantage to countries on other side of the table, Institute for Government says.
Chlorinated chicken is just the start. The government intends to rip up food standards, public services and public protections.