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Archive: A cross-section of Irish poets and authors add their voices to alarm over Britain’s vote to leave the EU.
UK efforts to engage EU members unilaterally fails to understand union solidarity.
Importing cars from the UK to Ireland is not a new phenomenon. For decades motorists have been looking across the pond for better deals on superior spec vehicles. However things have shifted radically in the past 12 months.
SINCE THE 2016 Brexit vote, talks of Irish reunification among the people and pundits are being discussed more than ever.
As you may have noticed Jacob Rees Mogg Esquire – as no doubt he would style himself – has invited the public to submit suggestions on the theme of ‘Opportunities of Brexit’. I could not resist replying. Could I possibly suggest that you, after reading this, do the same?
Ireland’s Future : Views of some of those who will participate in the event on Saturday.
With Catholics now outnumbering Protestants in Northern Ireland, advocates for unification are starting to believe their dream could become a reality. But is it inevitable – and would a referendum reignite old enmities?
Joint research by Belfast’s two main universities finds plurality of Northern Ireland residents think they’ll be out of the UK within next 2 decades.
Brussels spares little time to think of the UK, and the waters of the North Sea really are closing over the British.
The new first minister represents a party that does not acknowledge Northern Ireland's six counties as separate from the 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland. The historic moment has huge implications, David Blevins writes.
The challenge posed by Britain leaving the EU gave the European Commission an opportunity to embed its values and its members’ interests.
The course of Brexit was set in the hours and days after the 2016 referendum. / It was at 6:22 a.m. on June 24, 2016 — 59 minutes before the official tally was unveiled — that the European Council sent its first “lines to take” to the national governments that make up the EU.