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"The Brexit dream is dying because that is the stark choice. You can’t have full freedom and close trade ties, but one or the other. It is dying because the EU currently looks more likely to hold together than the UK"
As Brexit looms, nationalists in Northern Ireland are increasingly looking to Dublin for representation. Now, as Ben Kelly explains, political parties are responding in new, innovative ways.
Now that it’s a reality, can an esteemed historian produce convincing arguments for the UK’s departure from the EU?
The new first minister represents a party that does not acknowledge Northern Ireland's six counties as separate from the 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland. The historic moment has huge implications, David Blevins writes.
Ireland’s Future : Views of some of those who will participate in the event on Saturday.
English will remain an official language of the European Union in 2021 after Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed.
Republican sentiment is rising over fears that Brexit will tank the economy, but Northern Ireland’s unionists won’t go quietly.
With Catholics now outnumbering Protestants in Northern Ireland, advocates for unification are starting to believe their dream could become a reality. But is it inevitable – and would a referendum reignite old enmities?
Many people in Britain are unaware that Ireland is a separate country at all.
Archive: A cross-section of Irish poets and authors add their voices to alarm over Britain’s vote to leave the EU.