Showing: ◈ Global Britain×
In a world of superpower rivalry, the UK must urgently rebuild the strategic alliances that were sabotaged by its departure from the EU.
In what follows, a group of leading social scientists explore these themes, explaining what has happened in the past, the situation the UK finds itself in now, and the issues that might confront us going forward. The collection is intended as a guide to the big questions confronting the country in the years to come.
The UK will have to “fight its way to the table” as US-president elect Joe Biden seeks to rebuild American relations around the world, according to a study.
Chatham House director general says UK must not seek to be rival to EU on foreign policy
Lady Sugg hands in resignation after overseas aid cut by a third.
15 EU trade agreements with third countries, including Canada and Turkey, still not rolled over by Britain with just 50 days until UK leaves post-Brexit transition.
The results of the U.S. election will pose existential questions in London.
Now, the country risks becoming an also-ran, losing its easy access to the huge EU common market, unable to strike a groundbreaking deal with the United States and on the brink of a trade fight with China.
Boris Johnson’s team isn’t going to let economic models get in the way of a political revolution.
The general election will be the point of no return for the UK in the current phase of its decline, and the US is heading in the same direction.
Britain will lose influence in international affairs after it leaves the EU, the outgoing president of the European council has said. Speaking at the College of Europe, Donald Tusk said Brexit would be the 'real end' of the British empire.
Phil Hogan has rubbished UK's 'global Britain' plan, and said it would become a “medium-sized” nation after Brexit.
Open letter from group representing 4m western firms outlines ‘grave concerns’.
World View: Suggestion that likes of US, Australia offer alternative to EU is fantasy. / If the success of a political idea turns on its power to instil hope or optimism in its adherents, then, in its early years, Brexit was a colossal failure.
Boris Johnson’s new trade secretary will be tasked with negotiating as many new trade deals as possible. Here are some fault-lines expected to emerge over the coming months.
The new foreign policy formula is simple, Trump tweets and the Tory leadership hopeful jumps.
Beyond Andrea Jenkyns' sound bites ... reality bites back: "The only countries that do trade with the EU just solely on WTO rules are Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakstan, Russia and North Korea."
European Parliament Brexit chief says likely next prime minister is 'a man who continues to dissemble, exaggerate, and disinform the public about Brexit'.
While Boris Johnson, the likely successor to British Prime Minister Theresa May, takes his country down a path of diminished trade, the European Union is negotiating one of the largest free-trade agreements in the world. One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about.
The government should ease migration rules for Indians coming to Britain if it wants to secure a post-Brexit trade deal with one of the world’s fastest growing economies, says the Commons foreign affairs committee.
The government must make it easier for Indians to come to Britain to secure a post-Brexit trade deal with one of the world’s fastest growing economies, a group of MPs have said.
Theresa May’s chief Brexit minister has complained that Europeans are prone to “lazy thinking” about Brexit and for some reason associate the project with Nigel Farage and the “Little Englander” mentality.