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We believe that there is no good Brexit deal for young people. Brexit means less opportunity, a tougher job market and fewer rights for young people. Our generation must be given a say on a decision that will affect us for the rest of our lives. That's why Our Future, Our Choice is committed to a People's Vote on the final Brexit deal.
'There's always someone saying the EU is going to break up but it's more robust than ever'
London mayor Sadiq Khan is to call on the Governmment to ease post-Brexit visa rules, which he warns are putting off young Europeans from visiting and working in the capital.
SDLP Brexit Spokesperson Matthew O’Toole has said the DUP’s “foolhardy pursuit of a hard Brexit” is impacting young people’s futures.
Indecision over Britain’s scheduled departure from the European Union three years after referendum feeds clashes within families as attitudes become more entrenched.
Even after years of division and vitriol, it seems like Britain still needs to talk about Brexit. / More than six years after voting to leave the European Union, the UK is facing a prolonged recession and a deep cost-of-living crisis. Last week’s Autumn Statement heralded years of higher taxes and cuts to public spending.
An extract from 'A Call for Revolution: An Appeal to the Young of the World'.
In return for offering a more liberal visa regime to younger EU citizens, the UK can negotiate the restoration of lost opportunities for young UK citizens to travel and work in the EU.
Strategy report setting out the big future challenges for the EU – and Scotland’s contribution to that European future
Across the world, there is incomprehension at what we have done to ourselves.
Being in the EU is the more popular option in polls now, writes John Curtice, because those who did not or could not vote in 2016 – such as younger people – support rejoining by more than three to one. / On average in the polls, more than 80 per cent of those 18- to 24-year-olds (nearly all of whom were too young in 2016) who express a referendum preference say they would vote to join the EU.
People, businesses and communities are now paying a heavy price for a hard Brexit we never voted for, imposed by a Tory government we never voted for. / Here’s a rolling list of the impacts of Brexit.
Young people are strongly in favour of a People’s Vote – with only 9% against it, survey finds.
If any of the candidates genuinely cared about listening to and engaging with younger voices, they would commit to a vote on the final Brexit deal.
Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel tweet support for offshoot of US group accused of anti-Islam views.
UK lawmakers have urged EU and UK officials to gradually rebuild relations following a period of “tension and mistrust”, putting visa access for musicians and speedy UK access to the Horizon Europe research programme at the top of a list of policy fixes.
Deep generational divide over Europe, as young favour EU membership and old want to stay outside. / Boris Johnson’s pleas for the UK to unite following Brexit have fallen on deaf ears, with the country still deeply split over the decision to leave the European Union, a new poll has suggested.
The UK’s train operators are to pull out of the Interrail scheme, which has allowed unlimited train travel across Europe for a fixed price for almost 50 years.
"In addition to expressing a range of concerns about the implications of Brexit for travel, trade, identity, health, education, freedom of movement, security and funding, young people have argued that Brexit-related issues should be taught in schools."
Every election is determined by those who show up. / No matter how you vote, it’s important that young people turn out in this year’s European Elections. Find out who’s standing in your local area.
Little could be meaner than sacrificing our young people to promote a malicious form of British nationalism. But is that what’s happened?
Those who have changed their mind are notably younger than those who still think it was right to vote to leave the EU.
This may very well be the last time we get to vote in these elections, and a large part of how the next years shape up will be down to us. Our future is in our hands.
France opted not to ask under-18s in families living in France since before Brexit to hold residency cards, but this is causing issues at the border and for education and work, a support group says.