Showing: ◈ news×◈ Kemi Badenoch×
Hidden in the small print of a technical document published by the Department for International Trade is an admission that officials could have juiced up the figures.
James O’Brien asked Kemi Badenoch if "she's seen a map", as he argued that the trans-Pacific alliance is a weak alternative to the EU.
Brexit is to blame for the Dover travel misery blighting Britons’ Easter holiday trips to the Continent, a senior Tory MP said on Monday.
The government hail it as “momentous” - it’s just a simple memo with no extra money or cut in tariffs.
Trade secretary Kemi Badenoch has taken a swipe at ex-PMs Boris Johnson and Liz Truss for setting public deadlines in trade negotiations.
Tory former Environment Secretary says UK ‘gave away far too much for far too little in return’.
Trade secretary had dismissed predictions by Office for Budget Responsibility. / Rishi Sunak has refused to accept Brexit has damaged the UK's trade with other countries – despite the government's own figures showing a sharp drop.
India supplies the NHS with a quarter of its medicines and changes to pharma monopoly rights and patent laws under leaked plans could see costs spiral.
LEVELLING up secretary Michael Gove has been caught out sharing misleading trade figures, according to a fact-checking organisation.
New Government figures show a massive post-Brexit slump in UK exports to Germany, France, Italy and Spain – and reveal the UK failed to transition to key export markets such as the USA and China. The new International Trade Secretary, Kemi Badenoch, faces an uphill battle, warns ParcelHero.
A post-Brexit deal between the UK and New Zealand will be “formally laid in Parliament” today despite concerns over its impact on UK producers.
Ahead of another vote in the Tory leadership race, former chancellor Rishi Sunak pledges to get rid of those pesky EU regulations and unleash Britain’s potential. Where have we heard that before?