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Brexit has dealt a blow to Andrew Duff’s business. His burgeoning sales of high end Scottish beef to Europe are on hold because his business is too small to navigate the post-Brexit customs border for now.
‘Like a ghost town’: Food boss laments collapse in trade at fish market as exports to EU face barriers.
Over a week on from the end of the Brexit transition period some hauliers say they have faced long delays.
UK meat exporters have claimed post-Brexit customs systems are "not fit for purpose", with goods delayed for hours, sometimes days, at the border.
Many restrictions apply equally to trips from Great Britain to Northern Ireland.
Shipments of meat, such as lamb, bacon and sausages, between Britain and the European Union will be disrupted next year.
NFU warns of ‘savage’ consequences of failure to secure free trade agreement with EU.
Northern Ireland's red meat industry has told the UK government that it cannot be ready for Brexit at the end of transition and asked for a year-long grace period.
Ministers have refused to sign safeguards, potentially spelling disaster for farmers after Brexit.
Talks to prevent EU ban on imports of chilled meats likely to fail – with UK required to do the same.
SCOTTISH sheep farmers have blasted a Tory minister's "laughable" claim about the potential for selling lamb to the EU after Brexit.
Taxes cut on birds’ eggs, raw hides, fur skins and ultra-strong spirits – but UK does not export them anyway.
Watchdog to finally get teeth to block chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef imports
Charles Michel says British ‘face a dilemma’ over whether to lower regulatory standards.
MPs have stirred a debate after voting on 'New Clause 17' - an amendment giving 'cast-iron' protection to the NHS in a trade deal. Tory MPs did not support it - but a handful did rebel over the issue more widely
Fed-up farmers broke off from the busy harvest schedule to travel to Westminster today (Wednesday 8 July) and tell Boris Johnson’s government “don’t destroy Britain’s world-class farming industry by striking cheap food trade deals”.
George Freeman tells HuffPost UK Boris Johnson must not "sell out" manifesto pledge as MPs prepare for fresh potential rebellions.
The grocer also promised to avoid America’s hormone-injected beef and to only sell British produce.
‘We will never compromise on the standards or specifications of our products,’ says supermarket boss.
Consumer groups and Lib Dem MP Layla Moran call on chains to follow Waitrose's lead ahead of US-UK trade deal.
Minister warns of serious impact for food producers, especially vulnerable beef sector.
Leaked letter instructs ministers to have ‘no specific policy’ on the issue.
Trump administration has told UK issue is important to American interests.
Union and consumer groups warn post-Brexit trade policy must hold food imports to same standards as UK.