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Rishi Sunak needs to grasp that ‘smart subsidy’ is what is powering our global rivals.
The European Union – African Union Summit, which is taking place today, is an important milestone. European and African leaders must underline that we depend on each other. A prosperous African future is a prosperous European future, writes a coalition of MEPs.
Six years on, it seems Europe still hasn’t got the memo. For that matter, neither has Britain. The United Kingdom, rather than leaping boldly into a brave new future, is imploding. Europe, meanwhile, seems to have found a new sense of purpose.
In both Britain and the rest of Europe, a frank and honest discussion is needed about what it means to be sovereign in a changing world.
An extraordinary unity of purpose has been a chance for the EU to move on from the global financial crisis and the 2015 migration crisis.
UK will be accommodated but never prioritised above collective interest of EU.