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Stand-up comic Ian Moore was living the Platonic ideal of a European life – travelling from the pastoral calm of his family home in rural France to weekly gigs in Britain – when the Brexit bombshell landed.
UK efforts to engage EU members unilaterally fails to understand union solidarity.
The Prime Minister and French President Emmanuel Macron can't stand each other, but the real damage is from Brexit.
This small sector has been promised benefits that will not materialise.
Some of these are hopefully short-term issues and can be recovered from. Another problem, however, is contributing to the hardship faced by Scottish households and will do so for the long term: Brexit.
'The French in the UK had a sense of being abandoned. They said, ‘yesterday we were Londoners and today we are foreigners’
France and Ireland together favour a political project for Europe based on shared values, at the service of European citizens, and providing peace and prosperity.
A new report into Eric Zemmour’s social media in the run-up to the French elections shows how Britain’s Leave campaigns during the EU referendum created a controversial template.
Thousands of British nationals may have to take a test to be able to keep driving in France.
UK and French officials in war of words as holidaymakers hit by long delays.
'Wimbledonisation' helped the City of London become Europe’s financial capital. But leaving the EU has been much less of an advantage.
As some towns double down on their European links while others fight to remove them, Holly Eva Ryan reflects on what twinning really means.
On June 16, 1940, with Nazi Germany on the brink of crushing France, British prime minister Winston Churchill and French undersecretary of defense Charles de Gaulle met for lunch at the Carlton Club in London. These two great symbols of patriotism and national independence made an incredible agreement: Britain and France should be united into a single country called the “Franco-British Union.”